March 14th 2025
The certification allows Benuvia to produce pharmaceutical products for companies, either local to Brazil or international, that may be looking for compliant and high-quality production capabilities in the Brazilian pharmaceutical market.
FDA Issues Guidance for Testing for DEG-Contaminated Glycerin
May 3rd 2007Rockville, MD (May 1)-The US Food and Drug Administration issued a guidance to alert pharmaceutical manufacturers, pharmacy compounders, repackers, and suppliers to the potential public health hazard of glycerin contaminated with diethylene glycol (DEG), a poison.
Robustness in Analytical Methods Outlined
April 27th 2007Interphex2007, New York, NY (Apr. 26)-Robustness studies for analytical methods are critical in being able to provide the assurance to the quality of an analytical method, a topic addressed in a conference session, "Performing Analytical Method Validation Robustness for Regulatory Compliance," at Interphex on Thursday.
Analytics Key to Forging Collaborative Models Between Product Development and Manufacturing
April 25th 2007Interphex2007 (Apr. 25)-As the pharmaceutical industry moves to a risk-based approach in manufacturing, analytics will play a critical role in not only meeting regulatory requirements but also in building needed collaboration between product development and manufacturing groups.
21 CFR Part 11 Revision Delayed, But Moves Forward
April 24th 2007Interphex, New York, NY (Apr. 24)-Although the second revision of 21 CFR Part 11, the Electronic Records and Signatures Rule, has not been finalized, there is some progress being made. This was the topic of a presentation given by John English, manager of computer system validation for BE&K BioPharm at today?s Interphex Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Conference and Exhibition.
FDA Licenses Sanofi-Pasteur's H5N1 Vaccine
April 19th 2007Lyon, France (Apr. 17)-Sanofi Pasteur, the vaccine division of the Sanofi-Aventis Group, announced that the US Food and Drug Administration has licensed its H5N1 vaccine, making it the first avian-influenza vaccine for humans in the United States.
EC Plans Directive on GMPs for Excipients
April 5th 2007Brussels, Belgium (Mar. 22)-The European Commission?s (EC) Directorate-General for Enterprise and Industry (Brussels, Belgium) is asking manufacturers, distributors, and users of human-pharmaceutical excipients to participate in an online questionnaire on the effect of various policy options. Responses will be used to prepare a directive on good manufacturing practices (GMPs) for certain excipients.
Indian Pharma Sector: Evolving to Innovation
April 2nd 2007The enactment of the Indian Patents Act of 1970, implemented in 1972, provided an open platform to the Indian pharmaceutical industry to adopt process patents to manufacture active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) and formulations without fear of infringement of product patents. This resulted in a phenomenal growth in the number of pharmaceutical manufacturing units, from 2257 in 1970, to 5156 in 1980, 16,000 in 1990, and more than 23,000 in 2005. This was accompanied by a steep increase in investment from Rs. 2.25 billion (approx. $250 million US) in 1973, to Rs. 45 billion (approx. $1 billion US) in 2002–03. The prices of the most advanced drugs dropped significantly in India, leading the Indian pharma sector to become more competitive while remaining extremely cost effective in the global market.
Acceptable Analytical Practices for Justification of Specifications
April 2nd 2007The concept of Acceptable Analytical Practices (AAPs) was developed by the Analytical Technical Group of the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America to share information about how the pharmaceutical industry has implemented chemistry, manufacturing, and controls and quality guidances of the International Conference on Harmonization and worldwide regulatory authorities. The AAP process identifies and addresses critical issues in which guidance is lacking, ambiguous, or contradictory. AAPs were designed to provide a forum where one could learn from the experience of experts in pharmaceutical analysis and enhance the understanding of analytical practices that reflect good science and sound regulatory compliance. This article summarizes the discussion points from a meeting regarding the Justification of Specifications topic.
Qualification, Validation, and Verification
April 2nd 2007This article considers the distinction among the terms qualification, validation, and verification in the context of pharmacopeial usage.A recommendation for a standardized usage of the terms validation and verification is provided,and general requirements for validation and verification activities are given.The article also emphasizes the importance of knowing when validation or verification is necessary relative to the use of a method to satisfy pharmacopeial article requirements (for which a monograph exists in the pharmacopeia) or for nonpharmacopeial use.
India's Pharmaceutical Machine Manufacturers: From Imitation to Innovation
April 2nd 2007Indian pharmaceutical machine manufacturers (IPMMs) are exceptional among their foreign counterparts. Historically similar to the Chinese with regard to copycat practices, patent infringements, and substandard quality, the IPMMs have made great strides in innovation and collaboration to break free from the shackles of this paradigm.
Warning Letters Demand Stop to Unapproved Ergotamine Manufacture and Distribution
March 8th 2007Rockville, MD (Mar. 1)-Sending Warning Letters to 8 manufacturers and 12 distributors, The US Food and Drug Administration ordered a stop to the manufacture and distribution of unapproved drug products containing ergotamine tartrate.
Process Patent Protection: Characterizing Synthetic Pathways by Stable-Isotopic Measurements
March 2nd 2007The authors describe the methods by which precise analyses of stable-isotopic abundances can be used in security and forensic applications for pharmaceutical materials. These methods include product and process authentication of raw materials, pharmaceutical intermediates, drug substances, formulated drug products, and synthetic pathways. Collectively, these methods can be used to investigate and mitigate patent infringement. In the future, more complete examples will be presented containing full isotopic results and the application of the methods described in this article.
BIO Raises Concerns Over Studies on Follow-on Biologics
March 1st 2007Washington, DC (Feb. 22)-The Biotechnology Industry Organization criticized two separate studies respectively released by the Pharmaceutical Care Management Association and Express Scripts, Inc. regarding the cost-savings, interchangeability, and market penetration of follow-on biologics.
EGA Raises Concerns Over Regulatory Workload in Approving Generics
March 1st 2007Brussels (Feb. 13)-The European Generic Medicines Association raised concerns over what it terms ?the serious lack? of resources available to member states in the European Union (EU) to deal with the regulatory workload and bottleneck in new registrations caused by the new Decentralized Procedure (DCP) for approving drugs in Europe.