March 12th 2025
Rivaroxaban, long known under the brand name Xarelto, is an anticoagulant, a classification that is among the most-prescribed medications in the United States.
February 17th 2025
Nanocrystals Enable Carrier-Free Drug Delivery
March 22nd 2007Buffalo, NY (Mar. 7)-Scientists at the University at Buffalo?s Institute for Lasers, Phtonics, and Biophotonics and Roswell Park Cancer Institute have developed a drug delivery system comprising 100-nm nanocrystals of pure HPPH, (2-devinyl-2-1'-hexyloxyethyl pyropheophorbide).
BIO Raises Concerns Over Studies on Follow-on Biologics
March 1st 2007Washington, DC (Feb. 22)-The Biotechnology Industry Organization criticized two separate studies respectively released by the Pharmaceutical Care Management Association and Express Scripts, Inc. regarding the cost-savings, interchangeability, and market penetration of follow-on biologics.
EGA Raises Concerns Over Regulatory Workload in Approving Generics
March 1st 2007Brussels (Feb. 13)-The European Generic Medicines Association raised concerns over what it terms ?the serious lack? of resources available to member states in the European Union (EU) to deal with the regulatory workload and bottleneck in new registrations caused by the new Decentralized Procedure (DCP) for approving drugs in Europe.
Ranbaxy Comments on Merck KGaA Generics Rumors, Confirms Federal Raid in NJ
February 22nd 2007Princeton, NJ (Feb. 15, 2007)-Ranbaxy Inc., confirmed that federal officials conducted a search of its New Jersey offices on Feb. 14, 2007 and commented on its reported plan to acquire Merck's generics business.
WHO Stresses Lack of Capacity for Pandemic Flu Vaccine
February 22nd 2007Geneva, Switzerland (Feb. 16)-During a two-day meeting, the World Health Organzation announced ?encouraging progress? in the development of a pandemic influenza vaccine but admitted that the industry still ?lacks the manufacturing capacity to meet potential pandemic influenza vaccine demand.?
Congressional Bill Establishes Biogenerics Approval Path
February 15th 2007Washington, DC (Feb. 14)?A congressional team has reintroduced the ?Access to Life-Saving Medicine Act,? which establishes a process through which the US Food and Drug Administration can approve generic copies of biologic drugs.
Static electricity in solid dosage manufacturing
February 1st 2007The same phenomena that create lightning and thunderstorms are around us every day, producing incredibly high voltages, which cause sparks and shocks. Static electricity is a mighty force. Each year excessive electrical charge build cause explosions in the grain industry.1 Look around any flammable storage area and you will see both grounding bars on the wall and cables, from the grounding bars connected to the drums of solvents. Take any material safety data sheet (MSDS) for a powder and look in section V; it highlights that any dry powder has the potential to attract and store a charge.
Applications of Raman spectroscopy in aqueous environments
February 1st 2007Raman spectroscopy has become a commonly used technique for physicochemical analysis that possesses many advantages over other analytical techniques. It is a very attractive characterization tool, not least because it enables measurements in water. However, very few examples of its application in an aqueous environment exist in literature. This paper provides some recent applications of Raman spectroscopy in pharmaceutical material and process characterization when water is present.
HHS Awards $132.5 Million toward H5N1 Vaccine Development
January 25th 2007The US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS, Washington, DC) has awarded three vaccine makers a total of $132.5 million to advance their strategies for adjuvant-containing vaccines to combat the H5N1 strain of avian influenza. Under the contracts, each company will build capacity to produce either 150 million does of the vaccine or enough adjuvant for 150 million doses within six months after the onset of an influenza pandemic.
Merck KGaA Launches Merck Serono SA and Plans to Divest Generics Business
January 11th 2007Darmstadt Germany (Jan. 8)-Merck KGaA closed on its roughly CHF 16.6 billion ($13.3 billion) deal to acquire a majority stake in the European biotechnology company Serono (Geneva, Switzerland), officially launched Merck Serono SA as a new entity within Merck KGaA, outlined its integration strategy, and announced plans to divest its generics business.