Understanding ICH Q11—FDA's Guidance on the Development and Manufacture of Drug Substances
May 2nd 2013The author provides a review of FDA's guidance document, Guidance for Industry: Q11 Development and Manufacture of Drug Substances, and its relation to the International Conference on Harmonization's Q11 document and its application to the industry.
Method Validation by Design to Support Formulation Development
April 2nd 2013The authors describe a method-validation-by-design (MVbD) approach to validate a method over a range of formulations using both design-of-experiment and quality-by-design principles to define a design space that allows for formulation changes without revalidation.
Miniaturization of a Simulated Gastric Fluid Dispersion Experiment On a Microfluidics System
April 2nd 2013The miniaturization of preclinical safety assessment studies using a microfluidic chip system and optical microscopy can help reduce compound requirements, time, and costs in formulation development.
Evaluating Impurities in Drugs (Part III of III)
April 2nd 2012In Part III of a three-part article, the authors examine various degradation routes of APIs, impurities arising from interactions in formulations, metabolite impurities, various analytical methods to measure impuritie, and ways to control impurities.