March 4th 2025
The company now performs product-sterility testing through rapid microbiological methods at two laboratory sites in the United States and one in Germany.
November 21st 2024
NMR Reaction-Monitoring as a Process Analytical Technique
November 1st 2011The authors describe the benefits of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) compared with traditional monitoring techniques. They also discuss how NMR reaction monitoring provides a new process analytical technology tool for industry.
New lab glass filter dryer isolator technology
September 2nd 2011Powder Systems Ltd's (PSL's) new GFD™ isolator combines the latest innovation to provide a high containment lab scale filtration and drying solution with the same reliability and benefits as PSL high containment production size filter dryers.
Elevating laboratory informatics to assist decision-making
May 1st 2009With pressure to cut costs, shorten the pipeline life cycle and maximize return on investment, pharmaceutical manufacturers need tools that help them improve enterprise-wide communications, reach critical decisions faster and produce timely, accurate reports on how compounds are progressing.
LC–MS/MS method for the determination of Vitamin D3 in human plasma
An LC–MS/MS method for the quantitative determination of vitamin D3 in human plasma has been developed and validated with positive atmospheric chemical ionization sources.
Researchers Reach Femtogram-Level Chemical Characterization
April 10th 2008Combining atomic force microscopy and infrared spectroscopy, scientists at the University of Illinois have demonstrated a method for simultaneous structural and chemical characterization of samples at the femtogram (10-15g) level.
20th Anniversary Special Feature: The transformation and future trends of laboratory data management
January 1st 2008Historically, the main purpose of laboratory information management systems (LIMS) has been to track and manage samples in the laboratory. LIMS originated nearly 30 years ago as a rudimentary method of automating manual, error-prone processes in the laboratory and, with the growth in adoption of technology, became the de facto benchmark for laboratory control and management.