Waters Corp. Updates Instruments and Software


At Pittcon 2013, Water Corp. announced improvement to chromatography systems and software.

At Pittcon 2013 in Philadelphia, Waters Corp. announced improvement to chromatography systems and software.

The company reported enhancements to the Waters Alliance HPLC system that will maintain key Alliance performance specifications and control algorithms to ensure that analysts can replicate their existing methods. The system features updated electronics and user interface. The updated systems can be used with Waters eXtended Performance [XP], 2.5 μm columns.

The company also announced an expansion of its laboratory informatics offerings, with the addition of Paradigm Scientific Search Software, which allows users to perform object-based searches across both structured and unstructured data and across different data platforms.

Mobile access and new laboratory analytics enhancements were added to Empower 3 chromatography data software.

Quality Control Reference Materials (QCRMs) and Certified Containers for Waters instruments were added to the Analytical Standards and Reagents product group.

Another technology introduction is the Waters ACQUITY Advanced Polymer Chromatography (APC) System, the company says, defines a new category of chromatographic polymer analysis, yielding improved molecular weight information about polymeric species, faster than ever before.

Waters Corp. announced updates to the Alliance HPLC system and Empower 3 chromatography data software, and introduced search software and reference materials.

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