ISO Approves Photometry Standard for Liquid Volume Measurement
November 8th 2005The International Organization for Standardization (ISO, has approved the use of the photometric method for liquid delivery performance verification. Artel (Westbrook, ME,, a manufacturer of precision testing and calibration systems for liquid handling instruments, uses the photometric method to calibrate pipettes and automated liquid handlers.
Solventless Photocurable Film Coating
November 8th 2005Generally, tablet and capsule film coatings are applied as aqueous or organic-based polymer solutions or dispersions, graduate student Sagarika Bose (University of Connecticut) explained during her Tuesday AAPS Graduate Student Symposium presentation, "Development and Evaluation of Solventless Photocurable Pharmaceutical Film Coating." However, organic film coatings can be flammable, toxic, and must comply with strict environmental regulations. Aqueous film coating can lead to the degradation of certain drugs by heat and water.
Improving Process Control and Analytical Methods for Bioprocesses
November 8th 2005"The better we understand the relationship between process parameters and product attributes, the better control we'll have over product quality," said Beth Fowler, PhD, during Tuesday?s session on process monitoring at the AAPS Annual Meeting.
Follow-on Biologics: Is It All the Same to You?
November 7th 2005"In my experience, you can generally tell where a person stands on the issue by the example he gives," said Art Mlodozeniec, PhD, a panelist at the Nov. 7 roundtable on follow-on biologics at the AAPS Annual Meeting in Nashville, Tennessee. "If he brings up human growth hormone and says the processes and impurities are easy to control, he's from the generic industry and supports approval for follow-on biologics. If he brings up the challenge of of erythropoeitin, he's from the innovator industry and opposes generics."
PharmSource's Jim Miller Highlights Strong Growth and Opportunity for CMC Sourcing
November 7th 2005Contract services providers gained a valuable look into major market conditions, offshoring trends, and 2006 growth opportunities during a morning presentation entitled "CMC Sourcing in transition: Consolidation, Offshoring, and the Market Outlook," presented by Jim Miller. Miller is president of PharmSource (Springfield, VA,, publisher of the Bio/Pharmaceutical Outsourcing , and contributing editor of Pharmaceutical Technology.
Thermo Unveils New Data Acquisition System
November 7th 2005Thermo Electron (Waltham, MA, debuted the "LCQUAN 2.5" data-acquisition system at the AAPS Annual Meeting and Exposition on Monday. The new system expands the software offerings for the company's "Finnigan TSQ Quantum" series of triple quadrupole mass spectrometers.
Reagan Decries Putting Ideology Ahead of Rationality
November 6th 2005"We must add our light to the sum of lights," declared Ron Reagan in his Nov. 6 keynote address to the 2005 Annual Meeting of the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists. He was quoting Billy Kwan, the half-Indonesian, half-Australian photojournalist of divided loyalties in the 1982 film, "The Year of Living Dangerously," a character who redeems himself by taking bold action in the face of moral crisis. Reagan encouraged the audience to take similar action to defend science, which he said is currently subordinated to political convenience.
Industry Takes Steps Toward Greener API Manufacturing
November 2nd 2005Making active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) requires long chains of chemical reactions and large quantities of solvents. Ask API manufacturers how they'd like to improve this process, and the responses are likely to be "make the reactions faster," "make the reactions cheaper," or "make the reactions more efficient." Then after all these economically driven answers, you might here, "make the reactions more environmentally friendly."
No flies on me, Biotech to the rescue
November 1st 2005A range of insect exterminator equipment has been developed to improve the level of hygiene offered to the pharmaceutical and chemical manufacturing sectors. Berson's Insectron range uses ultraviolet (UV-A) and green light to attract flying insects, which are sensitive to these light sources.