Continuous Pharmaceutical Processes and Science-Based Manufacturing
November 9th 2005Continuous manufacturing processes?little used in the pharmaceutical industry but the norm in oil, food, chemical, and polymer manufacturing?go hand-in-hand with the current emphasis on quality-by-design and automated process monitoring and control (aka, process analytical technology, PAT).
Impacts of Process Analytical Technology
November 9th 2005The process analytical technology (PAT) initiative has been percolating at the US Food and Drug Administration for a long time, explained FDA's John E. Simmons at the AAPS Annual Meeting and Exposition on Wednesday. "If you think of PAT as an isolated set of applications, I think you are missing the point," Simmons said. "The FDA would like PAT to become commonplace?not to be an initiative, but common practice."
Taking the "Suspense" out of Nanosuspension Specifications
November 9th 2005Formulators currently face numerous challenges in nanosuspension development in terms of ensuring safety, efficacy, and stability. Presenters at Wednesday's AAPS symposium offered strategies for addressing these challenges, including setting meaningful particle-size specifications, selecting the method to measure particles in nanosuspensions (especially for nonspherical particles), gaining a meaningful particle-size distribution, and determining the particle size from such distributions.
Capabilities and Limitations of Molecular Simulation for Formulation Development
November 9th 2005As a pharmaceutical formulation tool, molecular simulation is currently in its early infancy. Nonetheless, presenters at Wednesday?s AAPS Annual Meeting and Exposition demonstrated that the technology is beginning to attract some interest. The topic was discussed in a presentation titled "Application of Molecular Simulations to Formulation Development and Stability Prediction."
Not Your Mother's Talcum Powder: Drug Interactions with Old and New Silicates
November 9th 2005After outlining the results of extensive studies on drug-silicate interactions, Robin H. Bogner, PhD, concluded, "We're just scratching the surface." She might have added, "pardon the pun": the effect of silicates' heterogeneous surface chemistry is one of the points of study.
New Technology in Drop-Size Measurement Instruments
November 9th 2005Artium Technologies' (Sunnyvale, CA, new diode-pumped phase Doppler interferometry systems use solid-state lasers incorporated into transmitting optics, eliminating losses that can result from fiber coupling, alignment, and degradation. According to Atrium, the advantage of this approach to optical design is improved precision and a larger dynamic range, with higher resolution over the entire range.
Dissolution Testing Session Focuses on Basics
November 8th 2005In the spirit that a good review of the fundamentals is always beneficial, the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists' Annual Meeting and Exposition featured an early morning discussion about the basic aspects of dissolution testing, including common sources of errors and deviations. The well-attended session proved that dissolution testing remains a topic of interest, especially as the industry continues to extend its application to media other than solid dosage forms, most notably soft gels.