March 12th 2025
Rivaroxaban, long known under the brand name Xarelto, is an anticoagulant, a classification that is among the most-prescribed medications in the United States.
February 17th 2025
Vaccine News: Telomerase vs. Cancer; Synthetic Approach to Avian Flu; First Plant-Made Vaccine
February 16th 2006Cambrex (East Rutherford, NJ) to produce Geron (Menlo Park, CA) telomerase anti-cancer vaccine. Generex (Toronto, ON.) files IND for synthetic vaccine to stimulate cell-mediated immunity to avian influenza. Dow Agrosciences (Indianapolis, IN) wins USDA approval for veterinary vaccine, the first manufactured via plant cell culture. G-8 nations pledge billons for vaccine production.
Adsorption of small drug particles at the surface of large excipients
January 1st 2006Applications of adsorption of small drug particles at the surface of large excipients were introduced, and different factors affecting adsorption process were discussed and summarized. Several examples of adsorbing drugs to excipients to increase dissolution rate were exhibited in this article.
How polymeric microspheres deliver the goods
January 1st 2006Drug delivery systems using biocompatible polymers allow controlled release of therapeutics, addressing many of the challenges of conventional administration. Polymer microspheres are attractive delivery systems, having a wide application in numerous therapeutic indications. This article reviews the current use and trends for polymer microspheres, and compares production methods and polymer characteristics.
Design of Experiments for Formulation Development
December 1st 2005All pharmaceutical products are formulated to specific dosage forms for drugs to be effectively delivered to patients. Typical pharmaceutical dosage forms include oral tablets, capsules, solutions, suspensions, topical ointments, gels, and solutions, and injections for intravenous (IV), intramuscular (IM), or subcutaneous (SC) administration. In addition, various drug delivery systems have been developed for transdermal, intranasal, and pulmonary deliveries. Different dosage forms require different pharmaceutical technologies and usually present different technical challenges for formulation development.
Discrete Element Simulation for Fundamental Process Understanding
December 1st 2005The pharmaceutical industry handles large volumes of granular materials such as powder blends for tablet production and filled capsules everyday (1, 2). Slight changes in ingredient properties or process operation conditions can have a major effect on a finished product's quality. Given the market and regulatory uncertainties that are commonly associated with drug product development, pharmaceutical companies typically have several drugs in various developmental stages at the same time. Because of this volume, the industry must have computer-based rapid-prototyping tools that can efficiently capture and resolve the technical aspects of drug product development so that companies can confidently make decisions about drug portfolio management and planning (3, 4).
The Importance of Fundamental Data Gathering and Planning for Solid Oral Drug Product Manufacturing
December 1st 2005Solid oral drug products are one of the oldest of all manufactured dosage forms (1). Today, the development of an appropriate formulation of drug and excipients and of an effective manufacturing process to create a tablet or capsule is slowly transforming from a practice of applied art to one of applied science. The US Food and Drug Administration supports this change by expecting sponsors of new drug applications to understand, describe, and control materials and processes as well as the risks associated with drug product manufacturing (2). These steps will ensure the consistent production of products that meet their specifications and remain safe and effective during their shelf life.
Taking the "Suspense" out of Nanosuspension Specifications
November 9th 2005Formulators currently face numerous challenges in nanosuspension development in terms of ensuring safety, efficacy, and stability. Presenters at Wednesday's AAPS symposium offered strategies for addressing these challenges, including setting meaningful particle-size specifications, selecting the method to measure particles in nanosuspensions (especially for nonspherical particles), gaining a meaningful particle-size distribution, and determining the particle size from such distributions.