
Bibiana Campos-Seijo


Goodbye and hello

This month's editor's comment.

Julian Upton


The African Markets Pharma Can’t Ignore

In its new study on pharma market growth in Africa, IMS Health highlights three ‘rising star’ countries from the continent’s sub-Saharan region.

Amanda Shipman


The challenge of 21st century influenza

Conventional influenza vaccines use an egg-based culture and harvest process. This is slow and inflexible compared with emerging cell culture-based approaches that respond rapidly to the influenza virus's inherent ability to 'drift' or, more dangerously, 'shift' - a critical factor that would arise in the event of a pandemic.

Venkat Venkatasubramanian


Drinking from a fire hose

The pharmaceutical industry is facing the perfect storm. Increasing healthcare costs, a changing regulatory environment and vigorous global competition coupled with the increasing complexity of small molecule and biotech drugs contributing to expensive discovery processes and clinical trials, as well as the resultant manufacturing challenges, all pose major threats to the industry.

Krista Laine


Enhanced brain drug delivery and targeting

The blood–brain barrier (BBB) forms an interface between the circulating blood and the brain, and functions as a tremendously effective barrier for the delivery of potential neurotherapeutics into the brain parenchyma. Conversely, the BBB possesses various carrier-mediated transport systems for the uptake of small molecules, such as essential nutrients and vitamins. These transporters have become an attractive target for drug/prodrug design in an attempt to ferry drug molecules across the BBB. Central nervous system (CNS) drug delivery is often limited by poor brain penetration of the potential drug candidate. As a result of its unique barrier properties, the BBB poses a huge challenge for the delivery of potential neurotherapeutics into the brain parenchyma.1 It is estimated that only 2% of small-molecule drugs and ,0.1% of novel protein and peptide pharmaceuticals developed for CNS diseases reach therapeutic concentrations in the brain.2,3 Many of the pharmacologically active drugs tend to fail..

Claire Madden-Smith


Outsourcing still the way forward

During the past two decades, outsourcing has become increasingly prevalent as the way to gain competitive advantage. This trend has led to a significant increase in the number of services and functions available for outsourcing, and there are emerging opportunities for niche outsourcing to contractors that provide specialized sets of tools and access to cutting-edge technology.

Akane Kida


Creating PVA copolymer capsules

When drugs are encapsulated, electrification (the electrostatic charge of the capsule) may sometimes cause problems, such as capsule adhesion during transportation or dispersion of the capsule content in the filling process.

Lina Serafini


EC Reviews: An Executive Country Review on Turkey

In the wake of economic growth, healthcare reforms, and large-scale industry investment, Turkish pharmaceutical companies are charting their own destiny.

John Postle


Information-Technology Criteria in CMO Selection and Management

A sponsor company must investigate the manufacturing automation and systems, laboratory automation and systems, information-technology infrastructure, and business applications of each potential contract manufacturing organization.

Frederick J. Balboni, Jr.


Changes to Vial Labels May Affect Patient Safety

USP's revised chapter on injectables could harm anticounterfeiting efforts and drug administration.

Michael Ricci


The new biopharmaceutical blueprint

As a skipping stone creates ripples in a lake, SOA can help create benefits that quickly ripple through many other areas of the organization and partners.

Simon Flangan


Pushing for allergen labelling

The biggest benefit that has been brought about by the compulsory labelling of allergens in food is the greater degree of cooperation that has been established between food manufacturers and their suppliers.

Jyrki Heinamaki


Using a Delphi Survey to Assess the Value of Pharmaceutical Process Validation Part II: Expert Opinions

European expert opinions regarding pharmaceutical process validation were collected and studied by performing an Internet Delphi survey. In total, 36 experts from 10 countries representing the pharmaceutical fields of industry, regulation and academia participated in the survey. The overall attitude to process validation appeared to be positive; however, a number of concerns were raised. More education, better use of prioritizing tools and increased evidence of cost-effectiveness is needed to further develop and facilitate process validation.

Maria Gabriella Siragusa


Current status in buccal drug delivery

The adequate absorption and transport of drugs in the body is part of optimal therapy. Drug administration perorally is easy, common and traditional, but occasionally alternative routes are required.

Ece Vatansever


EC Reviews: An Executive Country Review on Turkey

In the wake of economic growth, healthcare reforms, and large-scale industry investment, Turkish pharmaceutical companies are charting their own destiny.

Yohann Pérez Molina


Packing-Line Improvement Based on a Fault-Tree Analysis Approach

This article focuses on upgrading and improving a packing process to comply with current good manufacturing practices. The authors sought to maintain proper quality assurance for finished products.

Maurizio Battistini


A detail often overlooked: goggles in aseptic production

Hood, suit, faceplate, cover shoes, gloves: these are the necessary items of clothing when operating in A-and B-grade areas.

Asish B. Chakraborty


Improved Mass Determination of Poly(ethylene glycols) by Electrospray Ion-Mobility Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry Coupled with Ion–Molecule Reactions

The authors developed a method to accurately measure the average molecular weight of large poly(ethylene glycols) (PEGs) using ion-mobility time-of-flight mass spectrometry coupled with gas-phase ion–molecule reactions.

Deryck Smith


Out of Africa: the pharma challenge

Manufacturing facilities must be inspected by members of regulatory bodies. However… these bodies are woefully inadequate at performing the task.

Manel Alcalá


20th Anniversary Special Feature: The time for process understanding

When Pharmaceutical Technology Europe was established 20 years ago, PAT was not a hot topic in the industry. It was started in 2002 by FDA to modernize pharmaceutical manufacturing and increase the efficiency of manufacturing processes.

Kamla Jevons


Tackling waste water with nanofiltration membranes

The pharmaceutical industry must address the release of nonbiodegradable APIs into the environment.

Ngoc Do


Narrowing the gap between clinical capsule formulations and commercial film-coated tablets

Based on formulation simplicity and blinding capability, hard gelatin capsules are preferrable compared with other oral solid dosage forms, including tablets, in the early clinical phases of drug development.

Michael Waddington


Identification of Fungi Using Ribosomal Internal Transcribed Space DNA Sequences

Identification of fungi, especially filamentous fungi, has been a very difficult task. Because of the amount of experience required to accurately identify filamentous fungi to the species level, it has become acceptable to either identify these organisms to the genus level or, in some cases, simply identify them as "molds."

Ian Cox


Making data analysis lean

Six sigma, process analytical technology (PAT) and related initiatives are driving greater use of statistical analysis methods to increase process understanding and improve manufacturing capabilities.

Jagdish Balasubramaniam


The influence of superdisintegrant choice on the rate of drug dissolution

The addition of superdisintegrants to oral solid dosage forms can improve disintegration and, in turn, drug dissolution.

Gary Noon


Why we need mass serialization — now!

Today, approximately 1.5 million counterfeit medicine packs enter the legal supply chain each year - in other words, one pack in every 20000 is counterfeit.

John Patterson


Can Big Pharma Produce the Next Generation of Medicines?

Patent pressures, changing disease profiles, and higher costs force companies to fight for the top.

Pascal Martin


Improving the Integrity Test Assurance of Multiround Housings Assessments

The authors describe a novel approach for the integrity testing of large sterile filter systems such as multiround housings and describe a multipoint diffusion test capable of detecting minor failures.

Jeffrey R. Mazzeo


The role of analytical science in the debate over biosimilars

As the US biopharmaceutical industry and regulators debate new requirements for biosimilars, industry leaders are turning to analytical science to define intellectual property and business development strategies. Emerging techniques are providing previously unseen protein characterization details, giving both innovator and generics companies new weapons in the battle for future market share.

Klaus Tarrach


Integration of Large-Scale Chromatography with Nanofiltration for an Ovine Polyclonal Product

The authors examine the challenges of integrating a large-scale chromatography and nanofiltration process for purification of a polyclonal antibody.