March 14th 2025
The certification allows Benuvia to produce pharmaceutical products for companies, either local to Brazil or international, that may be looking for compliant and high-quality production capabilities in the Brazilian pharmaceutical market.
MedPAC Recommends Public Disclosure of Payments to Physicians
October 15th 2008At a public meeting, the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (MedPAC) discussed its recommendation that Congress establish a national database to publicly reveal financial relationships between physicians and the pharmaceutical industry.
Congress Probes FDA's Inspection Process of Actavis
October 15th 2008John Dingell (D-MI), chairman of the US House Committee on Energy and Commerce and Bart Stupak (D-MI), chairman of that committee's Subcomittee on Oversight and Investigations, directed a letter to US Food and Drug Administration Commissioner Andrew C. von Eschenbach to request further information regarding FDA's process for inspecting manufacturing facilities of the generic drug manufacturer Actavis following several product recalls by the company.
Lawmakers Investigate Irregular FDA Contract
October 9th 2008Rep. John D. Dingell (D-MI), chairman of the US House of Representatives Committee on Energy and Commerce, and Rep. Bart Stupak (D-MI), the chairman of the Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee, sent a letter to the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), questioning the US Food and Drug Administration?s use of agency resources to hire an outside public-relations firm to create a positive public image of the agency.
EFCG and IPEC Europe Establish an Excipient Certification Project
October 9th 2008The European Fine Chemicals Group (EFCG) and the International Pharmaceutical Excipents Council of Europe (IPEC Europe) announced the formation of a European Pharmaceutical Excipients Certification Project to develop advocacy and stakeholder management in Europe and to give advice to two European working teams as part of an effort to develop a certification program for manufacturers and distributors of pharmaceutical excipients.
Risk Management within the Global Supply Chain
October 1st 2008The growth and globalization of the pharmaceutical supply chain make risk assessment more important than ever for pharmaceutical manufacturers. The authors describe a program to identify, prioritize, mitigate, and communicate risks in manufacturer–supplier relationships.
Quality by Design for analytical methods for use with orally inhaled and nasal drug products
The design of accurate and robust analytical methodology is instrumental to developing orally inhaled and nasal drug products (OINDPs) and their appropriate control programmes.