January 28th 2025
Winners in this year's Pharmapack Awards include both commercial products and innovations that are shaping the future of pharmaceutical packaging.
Congress Introduces FDA Globalization Act of 2009
February 12th 2009Congressman John D. Dingell (D-MI) introduced HR 759, known as the Food and Drug Globalization Act of 2009, which would amend the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act to address food, drug, and device safety, including registration of producers of drugs and applicable fees, documentation for admissibility of drug imports, country of origin labeling, and the inspection of producers of drugs and active pharmaceutical ingredients (API).
GS1 UK Successfully Completes Traceability Pilot
February 5th 2009GS1 UK, an independent organization that develops supply-chain standards, successfully completed the Pharma Traceability Pilot program and demonstrated the viability of a complete track-and-trace system for pharmaceutical products in a live, international supply-chain environment.
FDA Issues Draft Packaging Guidance and Pilot Program to Help Secure Supply Chain
January 22nd 2009Last week, the US Food and Drug Administration issued a draft guidance for industry, Standards for Securing the Drug Supply Chain–Standardized Numerical Identification for Prescription Drug Packages, and launched a pilot program to help protect the pharmaceutical supply chain.
Prescription Information Needs to be More Useful
December 29th 2008A newly released study from the US Food and Drug Administration demonstrates that the printed information retail pharmacies provide to patients regarding medication use and risk of their prescriptions is not easy to read or understand.
FDA Releases Draft Guidance for OTC Labeling
December 18th 2008The US Food and Drug Administration released a draft guidance document that contains questions and answers relating to new labeling requirements for over-the-counter drug (OTC) products that are marketed without an approved application under section 502(x) of the Dietary Supplement and Nonprescription Drug Consumer Protection Act of 2006.