Unifying Excipient Databases

Pharmaceutical TechnologyPharmaceutical Technology-03-15-2016
Volume 2016 eBook
Issue 1
Pages: s16-s19

Stephen Hoag, a professor at the University of Maryland (Baltimore), and a member of the National Institute of Pharmaceutical Technology and Education (NIPTE) offers a brief update on issues, and NIPTE’s database project.

A number of excipient database efforts are being developed, but are they getting to the essential materials science questions? Stephen Hoag, a professor at the University of Maryland (Baltimore), and a member of the National Institute of Pharmaceutical Technology and Education (NIPTE) offers a brief update on issues, and NIPTE’s database project.

Read this article

from Pharmaceutical Technology’s 2016 Solid Dosage Drug Development and Manufacturing eBook.

View other articles in the

2016 Solid Dosage Drug Development and Manufacturing eBook.
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