Ribbon Blenders from Ross, Charles & Son can be used to mix powders, granules, and other dry solids.
Ribbon Blenders from Ross, Charles & Son offer solutions for specialty applications. The blenders can be used to mix powders, granules, and other dry solids, as well as wet applications including suspensions, slurries, and pastes. The blenders also offer optional features including vacuum and internal pressure, temperature control, sanitary construction, special requirements for charging and discharging, handling of high density, friable or abrasive materials, spray system for liquid additions, load cells, and automated recipe controls.
The Ross Model 42N-36S Sanitary Ribbon Blender (pictured) has a 36-cu.-ft. maximum working capacity. Driven by a 25 HP inverter-duty gearmotor, the fabricated double ribbon agitator turns to up to 40 rpm within the U-shaped trough, producing a balanced lateral and radial movement of batch materials. Wetted parts are stainless steel 316 polished to 150-grit for ease of cleaning. The blender cover includes safety grating and a custom bag dump station. A 150-psig ASME code stamped dimpled stainless steel jacket is supplied around the trough for heating/cooling. Multiple spray bars and nozzles deliver liquid raw materials and clean-in-place solution.
Drug Solutions Podcast: Gliding Through the Ins and Outs of the Pharma Supply Chain
November 14th 2023In this episode of the Drug Solutions podcast, Jill Murphy, former editor, speaks with Bourji Mourad, partnership director at ThermoSafe, about the supply chain in the pharmaceutical industry, specifically related to packaging, pharma air freight, and the pressure on suppliers with post-COVID-19 changes on delivery.