MilliporeSigma and Waters will work together to build an extractables and leachables (E&L) reference library.
MilliporeSigma announced a collaboration between its life science business sector and Waters with the aim of building and expanding an extractables and leachables (E&L) reference library to include ion mobility measurements.
According to a Feb. 15, 2022, press release, the library will enable analytical labs to use Waters’ ion mobility-enabled liquid chromatography mass spectrometry (LC–MS) instruments to identify potential extractables and leachable compounds. The identity and quantity of these compounds will then be confirmed through MilliporeSigma’s Supelco reference materials.
Per the terms of the agreement, Waters will use high-quality analytical standards and reference materials from MilliporeSigma to build and expand an E&L library of collision cross-section (CCS) values for Waters’ LC–MS instruments. The library will be available for download from the Waters Marketplace (login required) and cross-linked to the MilliporeSigma business sector online product catalog to provide users access to reference materials to confirm their results.
“Accurate screening for extractables and leachables is imperative to ensuring consumer safety, especially in pharmaceuticals, food packaging, or medical devices,” said Heike Petri, head of Advanced Analytical and Industrial & Testing, Life Science business sector, Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany, in the press release. “This collaboration will provide manufacturers with unrivalled confidence in their results, help improve workflow efficiency for labs, and ultimately contribute to consumer safety.”
Source: MilliporeSigma
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