The 300-gallon process vessel from Ross Charles can be customized according to specific user needs.
Ross Charles’ custom-design process vessel can be modified to fit a range of requirements. The 300-gallon vessel is suited for 5-psi internal pressure at 300 °F. Product-wetted surfaces are 304L-type stainless steel and polished to 240-grit finish. The vessel is agitated by a disperser blade driven to 1150 rpm by a 75HP explosion-proof motor. The agitator shaft uses a mechanical seal running in an oil bath.
Additionally, the vessel comes with a 50-psig American Society of Mechanical Engineers code-stamped baffled jacket surrounding the sides and bottom for heating and cooling. All elastomers, nozzles, sensors, dip tubes, valves, and operator controls are supplied based on the end user’s specific requirements.
Drug Solutions Podcast: Gliding Through the Ins and Outs of the Pharma Supply Chain
November 14th 2023In this episode of the Drug Solutions podcast, Jill Murphy, former editor, speaks with Bourji Mourad, partnership director at ThermoSafe, about the supply chain in the pharmaceutical industry, specifically related to packaging, pharma air freight, and the pressure on suppliers with post-COVID-19 changes on delivery.