Analytical Method Transfer: Don’t Oversimplify

Pharmaceutical TechnologyPharmaceutical Technology-02-02-2019
Volume 43
Issue 2
Pages: 48, 50–51

When transferring a method from R&D to quality control, success hinges on discovering where “the best” and “the most reliable” intersect.


Analytical method transfer suffers from many of the same problems that plague technology transfer in general. All too often, a method may work well in the R&D lab as a characterization test, but fails when taken to a wider stage, where reproducibility is key. 

In addition, incomplete information may be shared between the two organizations working on the transfer, and details on how to carry out standard operating procedures may be given short shrift. Partners may also fail to consider critical points (e.g., whether data interpretation software meets FDA regulations). As Berangere Tissot, general manager with SGS Life Sciences says, “The devil is in the details.” Tissot, a subject matter expert on protein and glycoprotein characterization and complex method validations, shared best practices with Pharmaceutical Technology

Conveying the knowhow 

PharmTech: What mistakes do people typically make with regard to analytical method transfer for biologics?

Tissot: The most common mistake people make is underestimating the complexity of analytical method transfer, particularly for biologics. The problem that will jeopardize any analytical method transfer, whether at very early or late stages, is the failure to convey the ‘knowhow’ in documentation that is sent to the transfer partner. Often, instructions are very detailed on some aspects of the method, yet key details are missing because they are not considered critically relevant. It’s important to remember that the manipulation of a biologic is very different from that of a small molecule.  For some assays, sample preparation is key to the  method, and more often than we would like to admit, it is the least described part of the methodology. Even in cases where it is well described, important elements are often missing. This can undermine the difficult challenge of reproducing an assay with consistency and robustness.  

Another area where insufficient knowledge transfer typically occurs is when a company has to validate, or ask its contract development and manufacturing organization (CDMO) partner to validate, what was developed as an early phase characterization assay. In many cases, 50 –90% of the information that is needed in order to validate the method is simply not there. Not having the data on hand makes the next step, transferring that method from development to a quality control (QC) environment, a real challenge.

PharmTech: How and what kind of information must be conveyed, and what kind of mindset is needed to ensure that key issues are not left out?

Tissot: Thinking in terms of developing what will later be validated allows one to have more control over the analytical development stage. When you develop an R&D method with the idea that it could be a QC test at some point in the future, you will do it differently than you would develop a characterization test that will remain an R&D characterization test.

When you develop a method that will be transferred to QC or to another lab, you would want to focus on simplifying sample preparation and data acquisition. For example, you would not want to have a 60-step process for sample preparation. You may also consider, whenever possible, how to make the method unbiased to any specific type or brand of instrumentation.

PharmTech:  Do R&D scientists have to think like QC technicians?

Tissot:  These two categories have different skillsets and mindsets. It does not mean the two are incompatible, but it requires some training to move from one to the other. When you work in QC, you have to deal with many restrictions on what you can change. 

Scientists who are developing analytical methods in R&D typically do not have to consider these restrictions. However, if the method has any chance of ending up on a release panel, they at least need to know what these restrictions are in order to develop an assay that will take them into account. 

For example, they shouldn’t specify the use of exotic enzymes, however more specific or appropriate they might be for the application. Such materials might pose availability and quality consistency problems that will affect the method’s continuity and robustness. For any enzyme that will be used in testing, consistency in quality and multiple sources of supply would be paramount.

Early phase analytical teams are developing a new method because they are looking for new or more precise information. What will work best for moving the method along in R&D, however, is unlikely to work in the QC environment. Thus, it is very important to think about that translation at the beginning of assay development. 

We always ask clients, when we are developing methods for them, whether they envision the method being used as a release assay at some point in the future, or whether they see it as having to be validated. Even if no one can be certain at that point, the mere possibility that it might is important for devising the most appropriate strategy around the method development.

PharmTech: But how can one know this at early R&D stages?

Tissot: You don’t, at least not with absolute conviction. It is very difficult at that stage. Nevertheless, you may have some sense of whether this approach will be needed, and that sense needs to be communicated to whoever is working on developing the assay so that the method can be built on a solid basis with the appropriate mindset.

This is the major difficulty with transferring analytical methods. Creativity is valued, and imagining the best possible way to approach the method is very important. However, analytical developers must also consider the most reliable way of performing the assay, if it is to be implemented in GMP environments and QC labs later on. Situations will come up where these two goals cannot be matched, and some compromises will be needed.

Managing potential risks

PharmTech: Should these considerations be a part of risk management?

Tissot: It is essential to developing a good risk management strategy around the method itself and its lifecycle. Imagine you are working on the development of a characterization assay for N-glycan structure elucidation that will be used for a drug that has a very complex glycosylation (e.g., for a replacement enzyme, where you know that some form of derivatization or glycosylation will be key to the product’s functionality). In this situation, this method, which should normally belong to the characterization panel only, will likely end up being the best approach for monitoring and controlling a critical quality attribute (CQA) of the product.  

For the purpose of the characterization assay, you are trying to understand, fully, the complexity of the N-glycan structures. In order to get detailed results, the method might be complex and convoluted. Repeatability or robustness will not be evaluated and rightly so, if this method is just a characterization one. The method efficiency will be as good as the scientist carrying out the assay, which is very common in R&D environment. 

However, if you haven’t considered the future use of the assay and built some preliminary risk management (e.g., having some specificity, repeatability, and evaluation of the critical parameters to control in the sample preparation) done at the R&D phase, you will need to put a remediation plan in place. Then, a translation phase will need to be developed for that method, to demonstrate that the assay can be brought into QC, and to eliminate most of the risks that could be linked to a complex procedure.


Staffing challenges

PharmTech: Do you need to staff these projects in a special way? 

Tissot: I would say that it depends on philosophy and size of the organization. In very small companies, there may not even be a QC or an R&D department. At many of the medium-size pharmaceutical companies, these groups may not be actively working together. However, a growing number of large companies now have groups in between R&D and QC that focus on bridging these two groups and assisting them with the transition of R&D methods in the QC environment. These ‘translation’ groups generally include people who are educated in QC and understand all the restrictions of QC work, yet who are well versed in R&D, to find that middle ground.

PharmTech: When did you first see this trend?

Tissot: The trend began a few years ago, and it is likely to continue and to grow. Whether that group is involved during the transition or earlier in the analytical method development is a matter of choice for each organization. 

PharmTech: You mentioned the importance of describing all steps in detail. Why should that be necessary?

Tissot: This is the key reason why these transfer or transition projects fail.  Let me describe one example when we received an R&D method to transfer in our lab and validate to cGMP. The protocol contained many details around the sample preparation, but failed to mention the fact that the protein of interest was adsorbed on plastic surfaces, and therefore was adsorbed on plastic microtubes. It took time to pin the difference observed in recovery to this very basic fact. However, nowhere in the protocol were glass containers mentioned, because it had been so engrained in the mind of the scientists who worked with this protein that ‘it went without saying.’

PharmTech: How do you ensure that clients communicate all this information? Do they or you use standardized templates?  How do you staff these projects and what backgrounds and experience are needed? 

Tissot: We spend a lot of time talking with the client, the scientists who developed the assay, and reviewing the method before we even take the work in. We need to understand each of the steps of the method and evaluate how much of undisclosed details are at each of these steps. It may sound tedious, and we may ask questions that seem unimportant, but all of this is essential to understanding what is critical to the method and what is not.

In general, the more we know upfront, the less we have to ask later. We need to be proactive about the transfer, and clients generally understand that a lot of preliminary work is required in order to maximize the efficiency of the transition and the chance of validating a robust and reliable assay.

PharmTech: Is information technology a factor?

Tissot: Yes, it is a crucial factor. Compliance with US 21 Code of Federal Register (CFR) Part 11 requirements is not as critical for R&D methods as it is for cGMP methods. 

For some high-end methods, it is still very possible that the software used to analyze data is not yet Part 11 compliant. When such a method needs to be validated, the risk management has also to account for the workarounds to be implemented around the data acquisition and interpretation. This is not trivial and requires close collaboration between the scientific staff, quality assurance, computerized system validation groups, and sometimes, the instrument manufacturer. This consideration must be more apparent to R&D scientists, with the understanding that the method might eventually have to be pushed to the QC lab.

PharmTech: How can both partners minimize risk?

Tissot: Mostly by opening the communication and working around the language barrier between R&D and QC. Our first phase of evaluation is performed on our instrumentation, leveraging our ability to do R&D in a regulated environment. Based on that first evaluation, we define critical checkpoints (i.e., what may pose problem to specificity, repeatability, or any other critical validation requirement) and parameters that may require optimization or adjustments. We also evaluate critical reagents and work our way through defining multiple suppliers to briefly assess robustness, whenever necessary. The method is now in a ‘state’ where it can be evaluated more in depth for its applicability to release.

What will be investigated next will depend on whether the assay will be used for an identity test, monitoring CQAs, or for quantitative residual testing. Each application will have a set of parameters for which specifications would need to be defined. Based on results, we will either optimize further or go straight to a pre-validation or pre-qualification study to see how the method fares and what could be the targeted acceptance criteria.

Requirements will depend on the clinical phase for which the method needs to be validated. Stringency on acceptance criteria and extent of the study will be different whether the product is in Phase I or III. Once everything has been empirically assessed, we can put a validation protocol in place.

PharmTech: Have you ever had to ‘just say no’ to a project?

Tissot: It is always difficult to say no because often it’s not impossible to work with the method. What can make a project impossible are the requirements that may come with the transfer. For example, when companies want to validate one of their R&D methods, but then ask for it to be validated within a week, they need to understand that this is not likely to be achievable. Rushing to such a critical step in analytical development will likely incur the risk of running into extensive and expensive remediation.

Success requires a lot of homework and careful, educated evaluation of method from a preparation, analytical, and software/IT standpoint. The focus cannot be only on the instrument acquiring the data, but must also include the software analyzing those data and the way the data are being recorded. Everything must be considered.

PharmTech: How can you do the work and comply when the software isn’t Part 11 compliant?

Tissot: This requires creativity and a good handle on regulatory requirements, but analytical instrument manufacturers are working on solutions. One can assume that there will be fewer of these gaps in the very near future.

Article Details

Pharmaceutical Technology
Vol. 43, No. 2
February 2019
Pages: 48, 50–51


When referring to this article, please cite it as A. Shanley, “Analytical Method Transfer: Don’t Oversimplify," Pharmaceutical Technology 43 (2) 2019.

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