March 7th 2025
Being fully versed on the ins and outs of design quality can improve the project design phase life cycle.
Bulk Actives Postapproval Changes: BACPAC II
November 2nd 2005This article provides a PhRMA perspective and recommendations on an FDA guidance currently under development dealing with postapproval changes after the final intermediate of the active pharmaceutical ingredient, i.e., BACPAC II. The concept of a "last true solution" is proposed as an additional point in the assessment of potential risk associated with process changes.
FDA's New Labeling Requirements: The Importance of XML for SPL Compliance
November 1st 2005The extensible markup language (XML) format facilitates compliance with FDA's new requirements for prescription drug labeling submissions, improves patient safety, and enhances manufacturing sponsor efficiencies.
Scale Up of a Granulation Phenomenon
October 2nd 2005Although agitation improves drying efficiency and ensures uniformity of the final dry material, it can also affect the physical properties of the product as it dries. This study evaluates the effect of scale up and equipment selection on an active ingredient undergoing granulation during the drying process.
Does 21 CFR Part 11 Provide Any Benefits?
August 1st 2005Reading the good automated manufacturing practice (GAMP 4) guide acquaints you with the now classic and almost famous V-model.1 The V-model, originally used for describing a validation workflow of IT and automated systems, is easy to understand and very good at ensuring that the requirements and design are built into the final solution. It is also extremely versatile and can be used for almost any type of validation task you could meet in a development phase.
Current Thoughts on Critical Process Parameters and API Synthesis
July 2nd 2005A stepwise, process risk-assessment approach can facilitate the identification and understanding of critical process parameters, quality attributes, and in-process controls. This approach can lead to more use of science- and risk-based regulatory practices to simplify the regulatory requirements for changes to synthetic processes and to support the underlying quality systems that ensure compliance.
Revisiting The Notion Of Singlet Testing Requirements
June 2nd 2005In his Feb. 2005 viewpoint article, "In Defense of Singlet Testing," Torbeck (1) draws an important philosophical distinction between "standards" and "specifications." He argues that specifications are criteria selected by manufacturers for statistical control of their products, whereas compendial standards are absolute requirements. This distinction is entirely compatible with modern concepts of statistical process control.