March 12th 2025
Rivaroxaban, long known under the brand name Xarelto, is an anticoagulant, a classification that is among the most-prescribed medications in the United States.
February 17th 2025
Ranbaxy Begins Shipping Generic Lipitor From Indian Facility
April 5th 2012Ranbaxy Laboratories announced that beginning in March 2012, the first shipments of atorvastatin, the generic version of Pfizer's Lipitor, had been sent to US markets from its new Mohali manufacturing facility located in Punjab, India.
Evaluating Impurities in Drugs (Part III of III)
April 2nd 2012In Part III of a three-part article, the authors examine various degradation routes of APIs, impurities arising from interactions in formulations, metabolite impurities, various analytical methods to measure impuritie, and ways to control impurities.
SOCMA Issues Support for Generic-Drug User Fees
March 8th 2012The Bulk Pharmaceuticals Task Force, an affiliate of the Society of Chemical Manufacturers and Affiliates (SOCMA), issued its support for the introduction of a House bill, the Generic Drug and Biosimilar User Fee Act (HR 3988), which SOCMA says will help to achieve parity between foreign and domestic firms.
GSK and Daiichi Sankyo Launch Vaccine Venture in Japan
March 8th 2012GlaxoSmithKline and Daiichi Sankyo have formed a joint venture that they claim will create the biggest vaccines company in Japan. The joint venture will seek to improve access to vaccinations in the Asian nation as well as introduce new vaccines.