Ebola Outbreak Raises Ethical Issues
August 17th 2014The development of new treatments and preventives to combat the lethal Ebola virus has been slow, marked by caution at public health agencies to approve testing of high-risk compounds, and reluctance of biopharmaceutical companies to invest in a field with limited market potential. All that has changed now, as thousands of people have been sickened by the virus, and the death rate has escalated.
NIH Translational Research Partnership Yields Promising Therapy
July 16th 2014A potential treatment for sickle cell disease has come through the “valley of death” of early-stage development due to support from a collaborative partnership established by the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS) at the National Institutes of Health (NIH).
Clusters set to benefit from improved funding climate but IP rights are even more critical
June 30th 2014Life sciences and biotech research clusters across the UK, including those linked to university research departments are benefiting from an improved funding climate and ongoing consolidation in the pharmaceutical sector.
FDA, Drug Companies Struggle with Compassionate Use Requests
May 11th 2014A national publicity campaign recently succeeded in obtaining early access to an experimental treatment for a seriously ill child, touching off a broader discussion of compassionate use policies and their impact on drug development and approval.
Track-and-Trace Not Enough to Halt Drug Counterfeiters
March 3rd 2014Despite recent legislation to establish a more secure pharmaceutical supply chain to deliver high quality, approved medicines to American patients, efforts to block the import of substandard, fraudulent, and counterfeit drugs remains an uphill fight.
Innovation on the Rise among Indian Pharmaceutical Companies
January 28th 2014India has a name when it comes to generic drug development. According to a recent research on patent applications carried out by Withers & Rogers, innovation by Indian pharmaceutical companies has increased over the past few years; however, the quality did not match the standard seen in Europe.
PDA Panel Proposes Limited Set of Metrics to Measure Quality Trends
January 28th 2014If FDA is going to establish standards for assessing the quality of manufacturing sites and products, it should seek data on a few well-defined measures that reflect longer-term results and trends, rather than “snapshots of current numbers.
Conference Programs Highlight InformEx 2014
January 17th 2014The critically acclaimed television show Breaking Bad told the tales of a high school chemistry teacher who, after a diagnosis of advanced cancer, started a methamphetamine laboratory in order to support his family. While this is not the career path the chemical industry wants to endorse, the popular show did demonstrate applied science in action. At InformEx 2014, Donna Nelson, professor of organic chemistry at the University of Oklahoma and a scientific advisor for the program, will discuss her role in the program.
Provider Demand to Drive Compounder Registration with FDA
December 2nd 2013FDA is moving fast to implement the drug compounding provisions of the new Drug Quality and Security Act (DQSA), issuing new guidance to spur registration by outsourcing facilities just days after President Obama signed the new bill into law.
Senate Finalizes Drug Compounding, Tracking Legislation
November 19th 2013Congress gave final approval this week to new legislation to strengthen FDA authority to oversee large pharmacy compounders of sterile injectables and to require more comprehensive tracking of prescription drugs moving through the global supply chain.