See Erik Greb's bio page.
Pfizer streamlines and prioritizes pipeline
February 5th 2010Pfizer?s first updated pipeline since its acquisition of Wyeth includes fewer projects than before and is targeted to specific diseases; after the acquisition, the companies? combined pipeline had 600 projects, but the number has been reduced to about 500.
WHO denies industry influence on pandemic response
January 29th 2010The World Health Organization?s (WHO) response to the H1N1 pandemic was not improperly influenced by the pharmaceutical industry, Keiji Fukuda, special adviser on pandemic influenza to the WHO?s Director General, explained at a hearing held by the Council of Europe to address concerns over the WHO?s reaction to the pandemic.
Qualification Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them
September 17th 2008Qualification demonstrates that equipment is what it is purported to be and does what it is supposed to do. Installation qualification (IQ), operational qualification (OQ), and performance qualification (PQ) are the three steps of equipment qualification.