Sterilization’s Horizon: Improving Automation, Single-Use Technologies, and Annex 1

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Thu, Aug 25, 2022 11:00 AM EDT Pharmaceutical Technology editors interview aseptic and sterilization experts from Watson-Marlow Fluid Technology Solutions and Cherwell—diving into sterilization, aseptic processing, and the revised EU GMP Annex 1 guidance.

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Event Overview:
In this exclusive Drug Digest video interview, Meg Rivers and Felicity Thomas, Pharmaceutical Technology editors, interview experts in sterilization and aseptic processing. Alex Van Hagen of Watson-Marlow Fluid Technology Solutions discusses how to approach selecting sterilization methods, installation of aseptic machinery, how single-use technology factors into aseptic processing, and areas for improved automation. In a quick-fire interview, Hamish Hogg of Cherwell Laboratories talks about the eagerly anticipated publication of the revised EU GMP Annex 1 guidance, potentially problematic aspects of the revised guidance, and tips and tricks for companies to ensure compliance.

Key Learning Objectives:

  • Deep dive into aseptic processing and filling
  • How to approach selecting sterilization methods
  • Installation of aseptic machines and systems
  • Single-use technology in aseptic processing
  • Areas for improved automation in aseptic processing
  • Aseptic processing trends
  • Expected publication date of revised EU GMP Annex 1 guidance
  • Potential problem areas with Annex 1 revisions
  • Timeframe for revised Annex 1 implementation
  • Tips on compliance with revised Annex 1 guidelines

Who Should Attend:

  • Aseptic processing and sterilization experts
  • Bio/pharma developers and manufacturers
  • Single-use technology manufacturers
  • Bio/pharma packagers
  • QA/QC personnel
  • QPs
  • GMP inspectors/personnel


Alex Van Hagen
Life Sciences Sector Specialist
Watson-Marlow Fluid Technology Solutions

Dr. Alex Van Hagen is a molecular biologist by training and the current North UK life sciences sector specialist for Watson-Marlow Fluid Technology Solutions, providing experience-based consultation to the life sciences sector.

Hamish Hogg
Microbiology Product Specialist
Cherwell Laboratories

Hamish Hogg joined the Cherwell team in January 2019, focusing on providing technical expertise and managing customer relations as a microbiology product specialist.

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