SBRI Healthcare Awards Funding for Phase 2 Development Program


Funding awarded to develop innovative solutions that address unmet health needs.

SBRI Healthcare, a Department of Health-funded initiative to develop innovative solutions that address unmet health needs, announced the three companies awarded phase 2 development funding in the SBRI Medicines Management competition.

From five companies awarded phase 1 funding in October 2012, three have demonstrated best value and greatest technical feasibility. At a typical cost of £250,000 (332,375 dollars) to £1million (1,329,500 dollars) each, the successful companies will be supported and fully funded to take their technologies through to commercialization and procurement.

Focused on effective medicines management, the current competition winners are developing innovative solutions to improve the number of patients taking prescribed medication. The three companies selected to receive phase 2 funding are:

Bespak Europe Ltd, (Cambridge, UK) , which is developing a new bolus drug delivery device using novel delivery technology.

Therakind Ltd, (London), which is developing a simple novel device that enables rapid and easy treatment of hypoglycaemia in child diabetes.

UMotif Ltd, (London), which is developing a patient-centered self-management and self-care platform with web and mobile apps that help people with Parkinson's Disease to track and manage their condition.

Source: SBRI Healthcare

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