Reliability Throughout the Pharmaceutical Supply Chain


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Within several sites available for pharmaceutical contract manufacturing, WeylChem has access to many technologies, e.g. low temperature, halogenations, or complex metalloorganic chemistry. This allows us to offer our customers a reliable, transparent supply chain.

Reliability and back-integration are increasingly coming into the focus of API producers.

Getting the supply of registered starting materials back in the hands of a single (or few) suppliers requires them to be able to master multiple synthetic methods and the use of challenging technologies, like low temperature, halogenations, or complex metalloorganic chemistry. They should also have a wide range of vessel sizes.

Within several sites available for pharmaceutical custom manufacturing, the WeylChem Group has access to many of these technologies:

  • Bromination with elemental bromine or bromine reagents, including the recycling of valuable mother liquors and therefore reducing costs.
  • Low temperature reactions, down to -78°C in the vessel.
  • Handling of metalloorganic compounds and/or catalysts with longstanding experience in making metallocenes and phosphorus-containing ligands.
  • Running challenging exothermic reactions by modeling them in the lab, improving yields and safety; required safety testing in-house at our extensive analytical facilities.
  • In complex synthetic pathways, back-integration of the first, sometimes high-volume steps in large vessels up to 20 m3.

Most importantly, nearly all steps can be done at a single site either in Germany, France, or the US, reducing the risk of lengthy transfers between sites, lowering REACH registration costs, and providing our customers with a completely reliable, transparent supply chain.

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