The partnership will expand Lonza’s offering of hematopoietic cell lines.
On Feb. 7, 2019, Lonza and AllCells, a provider of primary cells that enable drug discovery, development, and manufacturing of cell therapies, announced that they have entered into a private label partnership for the manufacture and global commercialization of a range of hematopoietic primary cells.
Under the new agreement, the entire AllCells research portfolio of products will go under Lonza branding, enabling an array of research applications, including drug discovery, toxicity testing, cell therapy, and personalized medicine.
Hematopoietic primary cells play a vital role in advancing in-vitro research as they closely reflect in-vivo morphology, metabolism, and growth characteristics. However, obtaining those cells requires researchers to find a variety of donors and perform a series of tedious cell isolations, according to Lonza.
“With this partnership, we aim to enable straightforward access to a wealth of viable, ready-to-use hematopoietic cells, such as mobilized peripheral blood progenitor cells,” said Mary Riley, director of Discovery Solutions, Lonza, in a company press release. “All researchers will need to do is thaw and culture, while also being able to take advantage of Lonza’s strong after-sales technical support.”
“By leveraging our customization expertise, speed and flexibility to manufacture hematopoietic cells of superior viability and quality, and with Lonza's extensive reach, we will improve the availability of highly purified cells from different tissue sources to enhance a variety of research needs,” said Don Klabunde, CEO at AllCells, in the release.
Source: Lonza
Drug Solutions Podcast: Gliding Through the Ins and Outs of the Pharma Supply Chain
November 14th 2023In this episode of the Drug Solutions podcast, Jill Murphy, former editor, speaks with Bourji Mourad, partnership director at ThermoSafe, about the supply chain in the pharmaceutical industry, specifically related to packaging, pharma air freight, and the pressure on suppliers with post-COVID-19 changes on delivery.