International Chemical Trade Association (ICTA) has been founded


The chemical distribution industry has formed an international chemical trade association to address global issues.

A consortium of chemical distribution trade associations has formed the International Chemical Trade Association (ICTA) replacing the International Council of Chemical Trade Associations.

A Feb. 1, 2016 announcement reported the new organization founded by the European Association of Chemical Distributors (Fecc), the US-based National Association of Chemical Distributors, the German and British associations VCH and CBA, as well as major chemical distributors. In addition to other companies, China’s CCCMC, Brazil’s Associquim, the Mexican and Canadian associations of chemical distributors, and other European national distributor associations have been invited.

ICTA is tasked with coordinating international activities that take place on a global level and ensuring the international exchange of good practices that can help ICTA to expand in other countries and onto other continents. ICTA will speak for the chemical distribution industry worldwide on topics such as regulations that concern the handling, transport, management, and security of chemicals. The ICTA will also promote United Nations initiatives like Global Compact and encourage its members to participate.

The organization’s legal seat will be Brussels, Belguim. Birger Kuck, consultant for the chemical distribution industry, has been appointed as interim director general to coordinate the operational activities of the new organization. Administrative support will be provided by the Fecc’s Brussels office.

Source: European Association of Chemical Distributors



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