The US Food and Drug Administration will have a $2.1 billion budget next year if the fiscal year 2009 bill markup by the US House of Representatives' Agriculture Appropriations Subcommittee passes through Congress.
Washington, DC (June 26)-The US Food and Drug Administration will have a $2.1 billion budget next year if the fiscal year 2009 bill markup by the US House of Representatives’ Agriculture Appropriations Subcommittee passes through Congress. The subcommittee approved for FDA $282 million above the President’s budget request for FY 2009.
In her opening statement at last week’s meeting, Subcommittee Chairwoman Rosa DeLauro (D-CT) noted that the administration had recently made a request for an additional $275 million for FDA [see full story]. “To be sure, this is a long overdue acknowledgment that the status quo is not working when it comes to our broken food safety system,” she said. “So we are indeed, eager to fully fund that request and provide the critical resources necessary for reform.”
DeLauro added her concern that the administration has yet to indicate how FDA should use these additional funds. “…Real reform requires real management – so this committee will convene hearings and require spending reports to ensure the money is used as effectively as possible,” she said.
The marked-up Subcommittee bill goes to the House Appropriations Committee next where it will be further reviewed and marked up before going to the full House of Representatives.