GSK Recalls Alli Weight Loss Products


GSK recalls alli weight loss products in the US and Puerto Rico.

GlaxoSmithKline is voluntarily recalling all alli weight loss products from the US and Puerto Rico retailers as the company believes that some packages of the product were tampered with and may contain product that is not authentic alli.

GSK received inquiries from consumers in seven states about bottles of alli that contained tablets and capsules that were not alli. A range of tablets and capsules of various shapes and colors were reported to be found inside bottles. Additionally, some bottles inside the outer carton were missing labels and had tamper-evident seals that were not authentic. These tampered products were purchased in retail stores.

An alert was issued on March 26, 2014 regarding alli weight loss products, which was then reissued as a recall on March 31st.

Customers should look for the following indications that a product has been tampered with:
· The bottle may not have a label.
· The bottle’s tamper evident seal may not be intact, not be made of foil, and/or not have the authentic alli wording: “Sealed for your Protection.”
· The lot numbers and expiration dates on the bottle do not match the lot number and expiration date on the outer carton.

Source: GSK

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