Free online seminar: Jetstream mixer vs. Agitator - Mixing 10 times faster than befor


At ystral we name our machines “mixers” instead of agitators or stirrers since we want to point out the significant technical difference between real mixing and just rotating media in tank. Using vertical Jetstream mixing you could save 90% of your process time.

Conventional agitators and stirrers create a horizontal rotation of the liquid. The inertia of the rotating media hinders the vertical mass exchange. You may agitate for hours but the liquid is still not yet homogeneous. Our Jetstream mixers use a consistent vertical mixing principle. This way everything from bottom to top is mixed completely homogeneous, typically in less than three minutes. The difference is huge. If you replace a conventional agitator with a Jetstream mixer, you need less than a tenth of the time, a tenth of the process tanks and a third of the energy.

During the approximately one-hour online seminar on 27. January, Dr. Hans-Joachim Jacob from ystral will give you some insights you've probably never heard before. After that there is some time for your questions. And you probably just need new mixers in your process plants to double their effectiveness.

Register here for free for one of the sessions:

