EMA Sets Up COVID-19 Task Force


The task force will assist in the developing, authorizing, and monitoring of treatments of COVID-19.

To assist member states of the European Union in developing, authorizing, and monitoring treatments of COVID-19, the European Medicines Agency (EMA) has set up the COVID-19 EMA Pandemic Task Force (COVID-ETF). The task force is accountable to EMA’s Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use (CHMP) and will include CHMP rapporteurs and co-rapporteurs and any additional experts that may be needed, the agency announced in a April 9, 2020 press release.

The COVID-ETF will review available scientific data on possible COVID-19 treatments as well as request data from developers. The task force will also offer scientific support to facilitate clinical trials of COVID-19 treatments and provide feedback on development plans. It will advise the Scientific Advice Working Party or CHMP on formal scientific advice and product-related assessment and contribute to Pharmacovigilance Risk Assessment Committee activities. It will also ensure cooperation with stakeholders and European and international organizations.

Source: EMA

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