EMA and HMA Publish Network Strategy for Public Consultation

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The draft joint network strategy for the EU until 2028 will be open for public consultation until Nov. 30, 2024.

The European Medicines Agency (EMA) and the Heads of Medicines Agency (HMA) announced that the draft joint strategy for the European Union to 2028 (EMANS 2028) is now open for public consultation. The consultation period will be open until Nov. 30, 2024.

The original five-year strategy has been reviewed and updated as regulatory and technical situations have changed rapidly (1). New regulations (e.g., legislation to address public health emergencies and reform of the EU medicines regulations) and technical advances, such as the use of artificial intelligence (AI), have spurred the changes to the original strategy.

“Since EMANS 2025, the availability and use of AI have become more commonplace, and the network aims to harness the full potential of AI across all the EMANS focus areas. The use of digital technology and AI has the potential to transform the network’s core work of evaluating human and veterinary medicines for authorization and monitoring their safety through the EU’s pharmacovigilance system. For veterinary medicines, the network will also push ahead with its vision to implement new digital solutions in its European Veterinary Big Data strategy,” the strategy document states (1).

The strategy to 2028 will focus on creating pathways to medicines in the EU. There is also a plan to find ways to leverage data, digitalization, and AI to improve processes.Innovation and competitiveness are priorities that will be nurtured through a regulatory science and research environment, according to EMA. Strengthening the supply chain and the sustainability of the EU network are also on the agenda. Each focus area will be evaluated by EMA and HMA to assess progress and adapt approaches, if necessary.


“The six focus areas have been carefully chosen to support the network’s core work of evaluating medicines as we take strides to promote the development of medicines and ensure that they reach those who need them,” said Maria Lamas, chair of the HMA Management Group, in a press release (2).

“The overarching theme of our updated strategy to 2028 is that of change—rapid, somewhat unpredictable, but nonetheless full of promise,” said Emer Cooke, EMA executive director, in the press release (2). “It will guide the network as it seizes opportunities and meets the challenges of the near future, including preparing for and responding to public health emergencies and threats such as antimicrobial resistance. Now is the time to share your views and help shape the direction of the network for the next few years.”

Stakeholders may provide input through an online questionnaire until Nov. 30, 2024. [https://ec.europa.eu/eusurvey/runner/EMANS2028publicconsultation] The strategy will be finalized after the consultation period and be implemented through multi-annual workplans. The final strategy is expected to be adopted by March 2025.

“While EMANS 2028 cannot preempt the legislative changes or predict the future, this strategy will prepare the network for the revisions to the pharmaceutical legislation and further changes to the technological and regulatory landscape,” Cooke says in the document’s introduction.


  1. EMA and HMA. Seizing Opportunities in a Changing Medicines Landscape, The European Medicines Agency Network Strategy 2028 (draft). Oct. 3, 2024.
  2. EMA. Seizing Opportunities in a Changing Medicines Landscape. Press Release. Oct. 9, 2024.