Susan J. Schniepp, member of the editorial advisory boards for Pharmaceutical Technology, Pharmaceutical Technology Europe, and BioPharm International, provides an update on her experience working in the pharmaceutical industry and what she sees for the industry’s future.
Susan J. Schniepp
The PharmTech Group’s Editorial Advisory Boards (EABs) provide our editors with expert insights into the development, manufacturing, and quality issues impacting the bio/pharmaceutical industry. EAB members offer valuable input to our editors by reviewing editorial submissions and advising on relevant topics for the magazines and our websites.
This Editorial Advisory Board Spotlight features Susan J. Schniepp, distinguished fellow at Regulatory Compliance Associates, a Nelson Labs company. Susan has been a member of the EAB for several years and a regular contributor to our Ask the Expert print and video series. Susan has offered thought leadership and expert insight into quality and regulatory concerns for our publications. She has also served as the past-chair of the Parenteral Drug Association and was previously a chair with the US Pharmacopeia.
Click the video above to learn more about Susan and her views on the industry.