ACHEMA 2012 on the home stretch


Shortly before the start of ACHEMA 2012, the outlook on the global flagship event for chemical engineering and biotechnology is exceedingly positive. With a growth of about 2 % in net exhibition area, the global flagship event for the process industries and biotechnology is not only larger than the two last editions of ACHEMA, with a share of roughly 50% of international exhibitors, it is also the most international ACHEMA ever.

Written by DECHEMA, the organisers of

Shortly before the start of ACHEMA 2012, the outlook on the global flagship event for chemical engineering and biotechnology is exceedingly positive. With a growth of about 2 % in net exhibition area, the global flagship event for the process industries and biotechnology is not only larger than the two last editions of ACHEMA, with a share of roughly 50% of international exhibitors, it is also the most international ACHEMA ever. Exhibitors from 56 countries have already made their booking. It can be expected that the number of visitors will also slightly exceed the more than 173,000 counted at the last ACHEMA in 2009. ACHEMA takes place every three years; with its combination of exhibition, a congress with about 900 lectures and a broad range of guest and partnering events, it is the global summit for scientists, developers and users from all process industries.

The fastest-growing exhibition groups are measurement, control and automation, and pharmaceutical, packaging and storage techniques. In the exhibition group pharmaceuticals, packaging and storage techniques in Halls 3.0 and 3.1 alone there are about 400 exhibitors. More than 660 exhibitors show the latest trends in laboratory and analytical equipment in Halls 4.1 and 4.2., and equipment starting from pumps, compressors, valves and fittings with almost 1,000 exhibitors in halls 8.0, 9.1 and 9.2 and 11.0 to instrumentation, control and automation with more than 300 exhibitors in hall 11.1 covers the whole pharmaceutical value chain. One of the most relevant trends are new automation and process analytics technologies. The innovations in online analytics change the relationship between quality control in production and classical laboratory analytics, said Mathis Kuchejda of the German trade association SPECTARIS at a press conference. Process analytics allow for continuous process optimisation, while crucial validation and control functions are performed in the laboratory.

Another important driver in the process industries is the striving for energy efficiency. At ACHEMA 2012, energy is one of the focus topics. Apart from efficient energy use, energy generation and the development of innovative energy carriers and storage technologies are also in focus. Chemistry and process engineering can make significant contributions, for example through the development of battery and fuel cell technology, but also through new concepts for heat storage.

The virtual platform “BiobasedWorld at ACHEMA” brings together all stakeholders interestd in biotechnology, bio-based products and the life sciences. It offers a global forum where new scientific findings will be discussed as well as the development of appropriate processing technologies where biotechnology plays a special role.

Finding potential cooperation partners among more than 173,000 visitors is not easy. This is why ACHEMA has for the first time introduced a partnering tool. Even now, exhibitors and visitors can register for the Partnering Tool. There they can enter their individual profile as well as their offerings and requests and search for potential participants. Interesting contacts can be approached comfortably via the Partnering tool that supports matchmaking right through to suggesting meeting dates at exhibitors booths or in the dedicated partnering area.

In addition, ACHEMA online provides detailed information on all exhibitors and their innovations as well as the complete congress programme with abstracts to all lectures with comfortable search functions. And if this has been convincing, participants find also all information necessary to book their booth, register for their ticket and make their travel arrangements.

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Jens Schmidt, associate director MSAT at Lonza