March 28th 2025
Three of the five are biosimilars, and seven additional medicines received recommendations for indication extensions.
Does 21 CFR Part 11 Provide Any Benefits?
August 1st 2005Reading the good automated manufacturing practice (GAMP 4) guide acquaints you with the now classic and almost famous V-model.1 The V-model, originally used for describing a validation workflow of IT and automated systems, is easy to understand and very good at ensuring that the requirements and design are built into the final solution. It is also extremely versatile and can be used for almost any type of validation task you could meet in a development phase.
Validation of Alternative Microbiology Methods for Product Testing
April 1st 2005The validation of alternative microbiological testing is an opportunity for a manufacturer to decrease the amount of time required for laboratory results. To properly validate these alternatives, a practitioner must first identify what is being studied. The regulatory effect on established product and process specifications and levels must be completely evaluated, as changing the method of analysis may well change the apparent number in the sample.
Understanding past & proposed changes to USP Chapter on Total Organic Carbon
November 1st 2004The implementation of a total organic carbon (TOC) method into the United States Pharmacopeia (USP) has its origins in the early 1990s, when the Water Quality Committee (WQC) of the Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association (PMA, later renamed PhRMA) debated improvements in the testing of purified water (PW) and water-for-injection (WFI). The resulting inclusion of modern analytical techniques replaced much older methods - some of which had been listed in the USP for more than 150 years. Finally, two new regulations were put in place: Chapter for conductivity, which replaced a series of individual ion tests; and Chapter which replaced the oxidizable substances test with a TOC method.
Paperless Reporting: How to Satisfy FDA
August 1st 2004Most, if not all, pharmaceutical companies today are moving towards a paperless reporting structure. This article examines FDA's 21 CFR Part 11 regulations, which relate to technical and procedural compliance for electronic records and signatures.
Validation and Compliance: Software Systems Prepare Manufacturers for Com(PAT)ibility
May 2nd 2004From data acquisition to enterprise resource planning, software systems operating at all levels of pharmaceutical manufacturing prepare for the seemingly inevitable implementation of process anlytical technology.
21 CFR Part 11 and Risk Assessment: Adapting Fundamental Methodologies to a Current Rule
May 1st 2004FDA expects a firm that is subject to GxP to develop a risk evaluation of its product and to then mitigate the identified risks. Identified risks may be addressed by technical fixes that effectively eliminate the risks or reduce the likelihood of occurrence and/or severity of consequences to acceptable levels.
Quality Systems for the 21st Century: Process Analytical Technology
March 1st 2004Following the launch of its initiative, "Pharmaceutical cGMPs for the 21st Century: A Risk-Based Approach," FDA has been looking to process analytical technology (PAT) for improvements in process efficiency and quality. This article discusses the implementation of PAT systems into production environments, its impact on quality assurance and the necessity of an integrated approach. Options for implementing PAT are also presented.
Certificates of Test - What are the European GMP Requirements?
March 1st 2004This article examines European differences in GMP requirements for the acceptance of Certificates of Tests. The authors look at how pharmaceutical manufacturers can address the issues and suggest a US-compatible framework for GMPs that could be incorporated into EU requirements.