Impurity Profiling Using Convergence Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry
The authors describe the use of convergence chromatography combined with mass spectrometry for impurity profiling.
Multiple Reaction Monitoring–Mass Spectrometry for Biopharmaceutical Analysis
The authors describe two applications of a modified mass-spectrometry (MS) method, multiple reaction monitoring (MRM-MS), in biopharmaceutical analysis.
Simultaneous Quantitative and Qualitative Measurements in Drug-Metabolism Investigations
This article presents the successful analysis of metabolic products from microsomal incubations of a common pharmaceutical compound.
Identification and Quantification of Trace-Level Protein Impurities
The authors discuss the development of a simple, sensitive, and universal platform for identification and quantification of trace-level protein impurities in biotherapeutics.
Ultra-High-Speed Analysis of Ibuprofen Using HPLC
The authors present an analysis of ibuprofen based on United States Pharmacopeia General Chapter “Chromatography” using high-performance liquid chromatography.
Characterization with Atomic Force Microscopy, Topographic, and 3D Raman
The authors describe how a combination of imaging techniques can be used to provide topographic and chemical information to characterize a sample.